Free Quit Cocaine Help

Free online course will help you to break the spell cocaine has on you. We have very powerful tools and techniques here to get your mind in the right place as well as some free hypnosis on our 2nd page to quit cocaine with our help and be successful on your own.

Listen often, as if going to the gym for your mind, repetition is key.

If you prefer private sessions, they will always be more powerful as we target treatment specific for you, book / contact us here.

Free Quit  Cocaine Help Video 1

Get Your Mindset In The Right Place 

In this video we talk about getting the mixed thoughts you have about cocaine out of your head and onto paper. This will help you to think more clearly and see the evidence of how cocaine is harming you.

Taking just 5 minutes to do this will be enough to start the process of dealing with the 60,000 plus thoughts our mind has to deal with everyday.

The three questions to answer are;

1, What does cocaine do for me ? Or what do I like about it or feel I get from it. Is it a reward, a buzz a distraction or you think it gives you confidence?

2, What does it cost me? In how you feel afterwards on the comedown, the money spent, your relationships, your health, your nose, heart, lungs and the guilt, depression or the paranoia.

3, What do you want instead ?  If you were to wake up tomorrow and a miracle happened, how would you know ? What would it look like, sound like, feel like?

The free hypnosis number 3 on our second page for free help can help you do this unconsciously and consciously for a more powerful effect.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 2

Connecting The Dots Of How It Feels Over Time

Connecting the dots of how it feels over time. Working with the first video and adding to it will help you to succeed. Also please do watch the I quit cocaine video testimonials as they will inspire you.

“I’ve only been doing this free course for 8 days now and I haven’t touched cocaine for a whole week. I normally have some everyday. I know it’s early days but I’m determined to quit. I feel different this time. Thank you for your help.”

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 3

One Way To Deal With Urges 

On this video we talk about how to deal with urges and cravings and to recognise they don’t last that long. And if you have a strategy to manage them and begin to connect the dots that it is an inch of pleasure a mile of pain.

It’s not like you have to deal with 20 urges a day like a smoker does to quit a cigarette habit. Watch more videos here with simple strategies to master your own mind and overcome a cocaine addiction.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 4

The Devil And Angel Fight And How To Win

More help to deal with urges and help to deal with the devil on your shoulder who tempts you to abuse cocaine. If you imagine a devil on one shoulder and a team on the other side to help you. Asking if I do say yes, how will it feel in an hour, four hours, tomorrow and the next day?

Please visit our second page full of free hypnosis trances to help you quit cocaine including planning a night out and enjoy it without cocaine. This hypnosis will help you to be free from cravings.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 5

If I Don’t Quit Where Am I Heading ?

If I don’t change now where will I be in a year from now ? A closed eye process to help you to decide enough is enough, I’m ready to be free from the hold of the coke as I see through the lies its been telling me.

Some people wonder are they addicted as they only use cocaine weekends. This post talks about weekend coke abuse.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 6

1st Video Set Up Exercise To Deal With A Craving

Part one on how to deal with a craving. Once you have watched this, study the second video and it will be there to use when you need to distract yourself through a tough craving. It will reduce it and help you to take back mastery of your mind.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 7

Strategy To Bring Down A Craving

Part two on dealing with a craving. Use this whenever you need help to overcome an urge.

“Ive not touched any for 29 days. I was going to call to get some extra help but with this course I think I can do it on my own. I’ve been doing the exercises and listening to the trances and I feel fantastic”

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 8

How To Plan For Success Not Failure

Do you plan to fail? Sometimes it’s as if our brain is against us, yet we may have set ourselves up for failure. This video can help you to plan for success.

We have extra support with our “Cocaine Help Programme” which has hypnosis tracks and NLP strategies and more which you can download to listen to to support your journey. Whenever you are ready it is only £19 find out more about the Cocaine Help Programme here.

FREE Cocaine Addiction Help Video 9

Don’t Let A Blip Stop You From Success

To succeed in quitting cocaine for good, you may experience a blip and feel a whole host of negative emotions afterwards.  This video will help you get back on track and actually learn useful lessons from any blips.

Page two of more quit cocaine videos 

Find out more about Debbie Williams here.

We have free help to quit gambling also some free help for PTSD and a free healing hypnosis recording.

We also have a full programme to Blitz Negative Thoughts  to gain mastery over your own mind. This extensive course is like having 12 sessions with us and you can listen to it over and over in the comfort of your own home. It costs £99 to download.

Find out more here; Blitz Negative Thoughts.

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