One Line Will Be Fine…NOT !

Many people kid themselves that one or two lines of cocaine will be ok. Often this is not the case as the longer you use cocaine, the more likely it is that you will want more after the initial line.

One of our clients would tell himself one line of cocaine will be fine, but admitted once he started it was game over. 2-3 days of binging on cocaine, sitting either own his own or with people whom he didn’t really like, talking rubbish.

One Line Of Cocaine Is Never Enough

It can get to the stage after 1-2 lines you want more, you fear you will run out, you are avoiding like mad the comedown from cocaine, so you keep going.

When it’s nearly gone you try to get more, maybe even getting credit from your dealer so that you can.

Same clothes, you stink and you forget to eat…or can’t so stomach cramps, your heart keeps pounding, maybe even pain in your chest and the sweats…

When the cocaine is finally all gone, perhaps after 3, even 4 days of no sleep, you do sleep. This is what you want as it helps avoid some of the horrendous feelings of a comedown.

This is why, when you say one line will be fine, you realise it is a lie. It is actually game over. You hate the comedown, so avoid it at all cost and keep going.

Birmingham cocaine addiction clinic can help you stop,  find out what happens in a session here.

You can even experience our free quit cocaine course.

No Money Left, But Big Debts

When you finally surface and check you still have a job. This week you are working to pay your dealer. your self esteem is rock bottom. You’ve hurt and scared loved ones with your habit.

Now its another 3-4 days of perhaps seeing shadows, paranoid thoughts or even suicidal ones. You understand why your mate of a mate hung himself, you feel that worthless.

From Binging On Cocaine To daily Use

This is how people make the leap from weekend binges, they have a bit on Monday to feel ok, then Tuesday and the habit deepens.

It helps avoid the horrible comedowns. You think you are ok, but realise you are not getting anything from it nowadays but still cant stop.

Birmingham Cocaine Addiction Help

Wherever you are with your cocaine habit, we can help. You can book a double breakthrough session here.

Watch testimonials from actual former cocaine addiction clients

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0121 241 0728

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