Binge Drinker’s Use Cocaine To Sober Up

We get many enquires from people who want to stop binge drinking and abusing alcohol. When they drink, their resolve to say no to cocaine goes out the window.

This is because alcohol turns down our sensible inner dialogue and there is nothing stopping them from using cocaine later in the evening to sober up.

Many feel they would never use cocaine if they were sober.

What cocaine does is stop the drunk feeling that people don’t like. It makes people feel that they are back in control again. This really isn’t true, because if you decide to drive you are still over the limit.

You just have a different altered state compared to being drunk.

Work Hard Party Hard

Many of our clients who come to the Birmingham Cocaine Addiction Clinic are very successful motivated people. Often they believe they have an addictive personality.

“Once I start drinking I cant stop ” We hear often.

If the addiction is a negative one like cocaine or alcohol abuse it can lead to all sorts of unwanted behaviours, harming relationships, health and lowering effectiveness at work.

We believe you can learn to drink moderately with the right tools and understandings.

When Cocaine Was Expensive…

Years ago when cocaine was very expensive, people would mostly just get drunk. Next day if the hangover was bad enough, it served to moderate the drinking next time.

People learned to drink much less to avoid the hangover.

Clients we have helped with binge drinking alone often don’t get bad hangovers, so carry on drinking vast amounts and still function the next day.

Sometimes it’s friends or partners point out they are a nasty drunk and/or the person has no recollection the next day of what they did.

For a female it can be very worrying as anything could have happened to them being in that state. If this is you, we can help.  See this video review from a former binge drinker whom we helped.

Another Review For Birmingham Cocaine Addiction Clinic

Please watch this sceptical client who learned to de-link alcohol and cocaine and to moderate his drinking to actually enjoy it more than before and to be free from his cocaine addiction.

We have many more reviews from clients, who we helped to be free from their addiction. See these ones who we interviewed two years on free from cocaine.

We Believe Most People Can Learn To Drink Moderately

Before we work with someone who just wants to stop alcohol altogether we use some unique strategies that hypnotherapist, NLP trainer and cocaine addictions expert Debbie Williams has developed over the last 25 years to be able to master your own mind and have tools and techniques to learn to drink to just get to the pleasant merry state and then to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Addictions expert Debbie uses hypnotherapy and other tools to delink the old way and replace it with a new mindset and attitude towards alcohol. And an addiction to having a life in balance…

If you want help from the Birmingham Cocaine Addiction Clinic please have a look at our options or you can call us on 0121 241 0728 what we do is cheaper than rehab for cocaine and cheaper than a detox.

We have many clients who have gone down the detox and rehab for addiction route and got back on it in no time. We delink in mind any pleasure you think you get from cocaine to leave you feeling indifferent towards cocaine.

We also help build a compelling future to drive you forwards to building a wonderful life for yourself.

If you want to you can start with our free course to quit cocaine here.


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